14 Apr Swing Tree Painting to Bring L!fe to Daddy-Daughter Paint Date
“After assisting multiple business owners from various industries build and manage their company, I knew I was ready to build my own. Through all my experience, I learned that I have a passion for creating and teaching. Combining that with my love for entertaining, so was born Perfect Palette Cocktails & Canvas. My commitment is to ensure that every guest has an amazing experience.” says Dixie Royal, owner of Perfect Palette.Join us on April 29th to be create your own masterpiece inspired by Dixie’s painting Swing Tree, a tribute to healthy father-daughter relationships. Register to attend and/or become a sponsor or exhibitor at this multicultural family event offering outreach to fathers with daughters ages 7-18. The event is open to the public! Guest speakers, elected officials and community leaders will be present and there will be The Write of Your L!fe™ Essay Contest focused on fatherhood impact, giveaways, drawings and an aviation showcase. Visit WomenWonderWriters.com for more information.
Dixie Roybal, Owner of Perfect Palette, Art of Fatherhood Painting Instructor