How to Use Remote Board Meeting Technology to Expand Your Board Membership

How to Use Remote Board Meeting Technology to Expand Your Board Membership

A remote board meeting comes with an unique set of challenges. However, it also provides the flexibility and possibilities to increase the board’s membership. Technology that is functional and allows board members to communicate efficiently and clearly is the key to an effective remote meeting. Before the meeting gets underway ensure that all participants test their cameras, software, and microphones and are familiar with their equipment. This will cut down on the amount of time that is lost to technical problems and let your board members stay active in the content of the meeting.

Encourage your board members to add notes, updates, and actions items to the shared agenda in advance of the meeting. Use a digital scheduling program such as SavvyCal to find the most suitable time for everyone. The result is fewer meetings that are more focused and typically less stressful than in-person ones.

The ability to view each other during meetings boosts collaboration and helps build stronger relationships. Incorporating video into your meetings can make it easier to spot crucial non-verbal signals from your board members. A smile can signal excitement and enthusiasm while the expression of a frown, rolling eyes, or a frowning expression can indicate disagreement, boredom or concern. It is also beneficial to play an introductory video prior to each remote conference in order to set the mood and remind the participants of what’s expected of them during the call. Similarly asking for feedback at end of each meeting will increase participation and let your board members know that their opinions matter.

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