How to Take Meeting Notes Effectively

How to Take Meeting Notes Effectively

If you’re planning to effectively take notes at meetings, you need to be able to organize and record the information in a way that is useful to you after the meeting. A set of well-written notes from meetings can help you remember past decisions, as well as what was discussed during future meetings.

No matter if you’re taking notes on paper or using an online meeting note tool There are a few best practices to follow for taking notes that are effective. 1. Know what you need to keep in mind.

You will not be distracted by other thoughts if you make the effort to think about the most important aspects prior to entering an event. This could also help you to understand the reason behind the discussion to make informed decisions regarding how to approach it in the future.

2. Write by hand if you can.

Research suggests that people who take notes in analog notebooks have better conceptual understanding than those who use digital notes. If you’re carrying a notebook it is a good idea to try the Cornell note-taking system that divides notes into two columns: a left and a right. The left column highlights the key ideas from the meetings and the right column focuses on details and takeaways.

It’s also a good idea to solicit participants to provide their input during the meeting. This allows everyone to feel that they are contributing and can be heard. At the conclusion of a meeting, be sure to record clear action items and who is responsible for them.

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