Board of Directors Software – Top Features to Look For

Board of Directors Software – Top Features to Look For

Board of Directors Software: Features to Look out for

When choosing a board-management solution, make sure that it helps directors get their work done and focus on the deliberations on the table. Board of directors software with simplified processes, efficient tools and top security capabilities will help to achieve this. One example is Convene, a contemporary, easy-to-use and secure board portal that was created with real directors in mind. Directors can access, read and collaborate on documents without the need for an internet connection through a user-friendly interface, accessible from any device, and supports offline work. When working online, annotations and documents automatically sync with cloud-based databases. The app also includes text highlighters, drawing tools and other features to review documents. The board portal is also easy to use and comes with templates that have been designed for meeting management. The board portal can also help with collaboration between meetings by using surveys and discussion tools.

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